Monday, September 8, 2008

Ten Happy Thoughts that Make Me Fly

If you didn't get the Peter Pan reference, go and rent a Disney movie- you clearly missed out on some important facts of childhood.

1. Aram loves me! He loves me like crazy!

2. ABBA songs of all shapes and sizes. And musicals of all shapes and sizes.

3. Fun hats! I bought a really cool fedora the other day that I got many compliments on. And now I want a moose hat to represent my love for Sarah Palin's awesome moose hunting-ness.

4. Internet cartoons weeee I <3 questionable content, xkcd, dr. mcninja, penny arcade, control alt delete, and least i could do. : ) (And the fact that I have signed personalized drawings from qc and xkcd creators is ten times cooler)

5. Joan Hess's Claire Malloy and Maggody mystery books. Mmmm they're yummy.

6. My gorgeous beautiful amazing Mac.

7. Sugary candies which kill my teeth but hug my soul. Including but not limited to- gummy bears, fun dip, ring pops, m&ms and the really fake gummy hamburgers that I should probably not any more because gelatin isn't vegetarian.

8. The thought of traveling abroad next semester to England and interning somewhere awesome in the journalism field. EEE I want to see the world. : )

9. My life as a journalist - the joy and thrill I get when crafting an article or seeing my name in print/online is incomparable to anything else in the world!

10. My amazing family and my awesome friends and the wonders of technology (cell phones and Internet) that keep us together!

: )



Anonymous said...

It's really a J.M. Barrie reference ;) Disney just borrowed it.
For more Peter Pan, check out the new book based on Barrie's idea for another Pan adventure. And it's faithful to his original stories unlike the other prequels and sequels!

Hyperbole Girl said...

Indeed, I'm very well aware that Peter Pan was a book first. I've read it and love it.
However, since the majority of children learn about peter pan through disney now- that was the reference I made. Thanks for the comment though!