Thursday, September 4, 2008

So Biden's talking at Mason today

On the Prince William Campus. I'm chilling in Verizon Auditorium waiting for him to come out. It's supposed to be set up as a discussion where a bunch of citizens can talk to him. I'm writing up a piece for UWire Youth Vote '08 on it- which is awesome, since I've barely been able to break through the CONVENTION MADNESS coverage of the last two weeks.

This area's small- it seats only 300- and it doesn't even look half full. I think the reporters crammed back here in the tiny press space make up a quarter of the audience at least.

Can't tell if the crowd's friendly or not. Many seem to have Obama shirts, but many more seem to be dressed in nondescript clothing that doesn't seem to cry democrat or republican. I know some of the republican blogs posted something about this event to try to get some people to come out to question Biden on issues the GOP and the Dems disagree on.

I sincerely hope Biden's not the only person to come speak at Mason- omg I would kill a moose to be able to see Sarah Palin speak. McCain too, but Palin- holy crap.

And Obama would be nice, but hey, I've already seen him speak live twice, how much more can a girl take?
This should be fun. More people are coming in. Looks like this party's getting ready to roll (I say in jest, as most of the people in the audience look over 40).



I sent out an e-mail to all my teachers today explaining why I'd be missing their classes (Biden's talking- have to sit around and wait for him to talk for multiple hours)- and this was really funny. Both of my journalism teachers were like "Wow that'll make a great news story! You should turn it in for class!"

And I'm shit Sherlock! This is for my job though, so I won't be able to turn it in for stories for class- lame.. The rule apparently says you're 'plagiarizing'....from yourself. when you do that. huh.

Biden's still talking now (he's been going for a long while)- something about electric cars and green jobs.

1 comment:

Jimmy Rogers said...

Well just off the bat, I'm pretty sure you'd only be plageurizing yourself if you turned in the SAME story to multiple places. If you rewrote the story several times (once for job, once for class), that should be fine.

Anyway, I wish I knew about the Biden thing. I heard he was coming to Mason, but they didn't announce when. :(