Sunday, March 23, 2008

The P Word

I'm pretty sure someone just called me a plagiarist in a comment on Connect Mason and I'm not exactly certain why, I think there might have been a case of mistaken identity or something. However, I do know that it makes me furious.

Let's just make this quite clear. I have many faults. I am very human. I have done some tremendously stupid things in my 5+ years of reporting.

But I have never plagiarized. I have never taken the work of another human being and called it my own and I never would. This is something I feel incredibly strongly about. I feel that if I as a writer am unable to do my own research and do my own work to properly cite that research, I should be in a different career. I despise that sort of behavior.

And as another observation, I've never been accused of plagiarism. Never. It has never even been brought up before in all my years of reporting and all my years as a student.

Thus, this random comment out of thin air on a package I worked on calling me a plagiarist....pisses me off. I don't get it and I don't understand where the hell that's coming from. But I do know that people love insulting others behind the anonymity of the Internet. It's not like I haven't been on the receiving end of some idiot's insulting comments before. As a writer who's been in the public eye before, I understand it's going to happen- I grit my teeth and bear it. But it sucks.

Anyways, I have better things to do now. I'll write more later.


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