Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Thoughts of the Blog

Things that fascinate me right now:

  • The new Post Secret en Espanol website! I love Post Secret- check it out every week as a matter of fact. And now that it's in Spanish, it helps me learn a bit more every time I look at it. I went through and read these words to myself a few times while looking at the English versions for reference. It brings questions to my mind though- why is the Spanish translation of text message," "SMS"? What does that mean? Also, the Spanish of that particular post card, saying "My wife left me via text message," says, ""Mi esposa me dejó...Por SMS." Now, in my elementary knowledge of Spanish, I've always learned por, to mean, "for." This amuses me greatly now to read in my head, "My wife left me for text messaging." Haha! Poor loser. (Even though I know this is incredibly wrong for me to limit my Spanish knowledge like this, I can't help but laugh.)
  • The fact that after coming back from my Spring Break vacation at the beach, now all my friends have stolen my pictures to use as their profile pics on Facebook. Pwned! : ) The beach itself really was wonderful btw. So relaxing...
  • While I was there, I finally got around to reading Eat Pray Love, a fantastic book by Elizabeth Gilbert. So many parts of it spoke to my own struggles with love, religion, stress, and the need I have to balance it all in my own life. It also heightened my own longing for more adventurous traveling in my life- I've only been abroad once in a study trip for school. I went through several countries in Europe over 15 days- I think it changed my life. Now all I want to do is find a way to go abroad for a semester next spring and intern somewhere in Europe, or Australia, or India, or South America! Anyways, it's a really fabulous book, I suggest it to everyone.
  • I came across this wonderful cartoon on XKCD the other day that I thoroughly enjoyed, yet didn't quite understand. Using my insightful analysis of the tooltip reading, "RIP Gary," combined with an expert use of Wikipedia, I discovered that Dungeons and Dragons creator Gary Gygax died on March 4. Since then, I've discovered another comic tribute to Gygax's passing at Penny Arcade. held a redesign the logo contest in Dungeons and Dragons style contest in his honor. The Colbert Report even came out and honored Gygax. I'm sure I could find tributes throughout cyberspace in his honor if I looked longer (as a friend of mine mentioned, pretty much almost every website owner in existence has played D&D at some point, particularly in the comic/nerdy type world I love so much). I think it's so sweet and fascinating to find so many tributes to this man.
  • It's time to reveal another obsession of mine- I follow the lives of celebrities with an almost ridiculous interest. I don't read Perez Hilton every day, but when I do, I certainly enjoy it. I buy People every chance I get. I secretly want to be as famous as these celebrities. I have my entrance at the Oscars created in my mind- I'd enter in a fabulous gown that's absolutely breathtaking with a beautifully classic hairstyle- none of this crazy Bob Mackie outfit or swan gown business, as lovely as it can be to laugh about.
    Anyways, to get back to my point- I just wanted to know- did anyone else think the "Britney Spears" figure in the new animated superhero music video, looked absolutely nothing like her? And I wasn't very convinced by the sincerity of the piece- I was more convinced by the completely lame (but very laughable) superheros in that awesome tv series a while back than her. Stan Lee was in that show- it was fabulous. Mmmm Stan Lee...
More later- it's very late/early now and I should probably grab some zzz's before the next day. I have an essay and a project due Monday that I completely haven't started- I must make sure that I make that happen!

Catch y'all later-


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