Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Thoughts on Global Warming

The whole global warming debate mystifies me a bit. Science isn't something I follow a lot, but it just doesn't make sense to me from a common sense standpoint.

If global warming really is happening, we seriously need to do something about it. Scientists predict that increasing global temperature would cause the oceans to rise, possibly increasing the intensity of extreme weather patterns, changing the agricultural yields, making some species extent and maybe even increasing disease. That's frightening. Natural disasters now can kill thousands of people. What do you think is going to happen if they get ten times worse? Without even mentioning those other possible problems, I think you have a case right there.

And if it really isn't happening and it's just a part of the natural cycle, well, what's wrong with taking measures to reduce our impact on the world anyways?

I mean, you can't say that the human race isn't having an effect on the planet. At this point in history, we're hugely wasteful with our natural resources. It's a proven fact that pollution is BAD- it messes up the quality of the air we breathe, causes acid rain, and really hurts the animal life. We're going through our fossil fuel supply and need to find alternative sources of energy ANYWAYS.

So what's the big deal? People keep freaking out because they don't like the way Al Gore looks and talks, or because scientists disagree on the global warming issue, or because they see it as a silly trend or an overblown issue probably planted by the leftist conspiracy. I'm even more pissed off at the stupid ass pompous religious people who believe since God gave the Earth to us, nothing we can do to it can damage it so we have no responsibility to take care of it. Way to make Christians look bad, idiots.

The point I'm trying to make is- whether you believe global warming is really happening or not, we're at a point in time that changes have to be made to protect our environment anyways- for all of our own sakes. Honestly, what we need to do to protect ourselves from global warming will mean a lot of people will have to change how they live- but it's worth it to avoid what we think could happen.

And if it doesn't happen? Well, we'll be saving the world anyways. I mean, come on, half of the people making such a big deal over the amount of money and time it'll take to change things proposed by 'global warming quacks' were the ones who were changing their lives and stockpiling food and necessities back in 1999 during the Y2K scare. If you're honestly more concerned about what happens to humanity if our computers go crazy than what happens to us if our environment becomes too toxic for us to live in....I feel sad for you.

I think we just need to send a copy of the Lorax to everyone complaining about needing to change their lives for the environment. Maybe that'll sock some sense into their heads.


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